
Digital Consultation Services

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What we are Offering

YMNIZA LLC provides comprehensive digital consultation services, including digital marketing, SEO, IT support, and technology consultation, to meet all your business needs.

Technical SEO

One of the main areas we specialize in is the Technical SEO. Here we make sure that your website is ready to be crawled and indexed. This includes: Is your domain SEO friendly? Structure of the website? Do you have Analytics?

On-Page SEO

Here we take care of your pages. This step is necessary if you would like to improve your search engine ratings and improve organic traffic. This includes: optimization of the tags, headings, images, etc.

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO is optimizing everything outside of your website to improve your rankings. This includes: link building, social media strategies, online reviews, etc.

IT Support

Our IT support services ensure your business operates smoothly and efficiently by providing reliable technical assistance and proactive maintenance. We offer rapid troubleshooting, system optimization, and seamless software updates to keep your technology infrastructure robust and up-to-date.

Digital Consultation

Our digital consultation services are designed to help your business thrive in the digital landscape. We provide expert guidance on digital strategy, innovative technology solutions, and data-driven insights to enhance your online presence and drive growth. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your digital initiatives.

Tech Consultation

Our technological consultation services offer expert advice on leveraging the latest technology to optimize your business operations. We analyze your current systems and recommend innovative solutions tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. Let us help you transform your technology strategy for enhanced efficiency and growth.

Local SEO

We also provide Local SEO. Making sure that your business is visible at your local scene. This can be done by doing the following: making sure your NAP (name, address, and phone) are consistent, claim/create GMB (Google My Business), Bing Place, Apple Maps, etc.


Besides SEO, we also provide SMM (Social Media Marketing) services. Part of our services are: which social media channel the most beneficial for you, creating a strategy for each social media network, PPC campaigns, etc.​

and others...

We provide other services as well, but instead of us boring you with a different fancy name that you might not even need to know, schedule an appointment for a free consultation today. We can go over the things that are important to YOU, with the explanations as to what and why each thing is needed 🙂

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