On Page SEO

On-Page SEO Services

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What is On page SEO?

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One of the services that we provide is On-Page SEO.

You might wonder what it is. Let’s learn a bit about it before we suggest how we can help you.

Well, On-Page SEO, as its name suggests, is SEO that deals with the webpage.

Optimizing the content, making sure that there are no over staffing with keywords, that your pages are not competing with each other for the same keyword.

Creating titles and descriptions for your pages, so that Google can understand better what your page is all about, what your pages are all about.

Besides optimizing it for the search engines, you also want to optimize it for the user.

In fact, optimizing for the user experience might be even more important than for the search engines.

You always want to have UX (user experience) in mind when creating websites, pages etc.

After all, you are in business because you have something that you can offer to your clients, both existing and new, you are not in business for yourself or for search engines.

Hence when you have a dilemma, whether to make it search engine friendly or user friendly, always go for the user friendly.

Nowadays, in the age of AI, search engines are becoming more and more adapt to understand human talk 🙂

What is important to know?

One of the most important things for On-Page SEO is the speed of your website.

You want to make sure that your website is as fast as it can possibly be.

There are a few things that you can do in order to make sure that the website is speedy.

Another important thing is to make it mobile-friendly, since 2015, Google is being indexing (imagine it as having a library that they can look at when a user does a search) mobile version first.

It is very important to have your website mobile friendly!

Benefits of on Page SEO

What are some of the benefits of adapting your page for the search engine talk as well though?

  1. Search Engines will understand a lot better what your website is all about and will be able to show your website to your potential customers. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it. Over optimizing is not a good either. All has to be in moderation.
  2. Being on the first page for your chosen keywords. Statistics show that being on the first page will bring more traffic to your website, more potential clients for your business.
  3. By paying attention to your website, making it more search engines friendly, you also show that you care about your website. Ideally, it will make your website looking more professional. If you care so much about your website, you sure care a lot about your clients.
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How we can help you?

Now that you understand what On-Page SEO is, let’s discover how we can help you.

As with everything, you have at least two options, you can either do it all yourself, or we can help you with it.

You are the one who needs to decide what to do.

We can help you with your website’s audit, which is part of your free consultation, discover the parts that are needed to be fixed, and make suggestions as to how to fix it.

We can also fix it for you 🙂 It will be our pleasure to help you to improve your website, while you are concentrating on your business.

Contact us today for your free consultation!

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