Link Building

Link Building Services

Improve your Domain Authority!

What is Link Building

As a small business owner you know that personal contact is everything. Link building is something similar but in Digital Marketing world.

Why do you need it? Well, you have your website all ready.

You have great, unique content, SEO specialist worked on your website and made it ready for search engines to find it.

This is all great, but it’s not enough. Besides looking for what on the website, search engines are also looking at your domain authority.

Why DA is important?

What is Domain Authority (DA)? Or website authority? Or domain rating? All of these names were created by different companies to be able to see the website’s authority. But what does it mean exactly?

Let’s think about it this way, do you trust more when you read something in Forbes or in Daily Mail or Daily Express when you are looking for business information? Which one has more authority for business information? It’s about the same with DA. Which website is more relevant and has good, valid information, that is backed by other websites (backlinks), for a particular industry.

So for example, if you have a website that deals with organic food and their DA is 80, compared to another that DA is 50, that also deals with organic food, the likelihood of the first website being more relevant and better is higher.

two blue rings linked

Are you getting the right kind of linking?

But nothing is black and white; you can’t solely determine a website’s quality by its Domain Authority (DA).

Consider this: what if the second website belongs to a friend from your local chamber of commerce? You know their business is relatively new, but they offer excellent customer service and a great product.

If you want to help by linking to their website, especially since your site has a DA of 70, it could be beneficial.

However, relevance matters. If you’re in the organic food industry, linking to their site would be advantageous.

But if you’re in the steel industry, despite having a high DA, the link might not be as effective or relevant.

There are a few problems with that.

Your website is not relevant to their industry, that’s one. Two, if it’s not done organically, if it makes no sense to link to your friend website… they might even be penalized by Google.

This was a practice in the 90s, the more links you had linking to your website, the better DA you had.

It didn’t matter who was linking, just that there were links.

But we are past that point. In today’s world, it is better to have fewer links pointing to you from relevant websites with good DA, than a lot of small sites, that are irrelevant and do not have strong DA.

Organic Link Building.

You see, link building has to be organic and relevant.

It doesn’t mean that websites that are not in your industry cannot link to you, they certainly can, but only if it makes sense.

Let’s say you decided to collaborate on something, then it is organic.

You also have to understand that link building is not something that happens overnight, it’s not something that was done once and you are done with.

Of course, once you have the authority it is easier to obtain those links, but it is not something that is done one time and you forget about it.

Like with everything related to SEO/SEM, it’s a constant work in progress.

Why you need us?

Here’s where we come in.

As a busy business owner, you do not have time to build all these connections.

Or you might know someone who is relevant to your industry, but just doesn’t have the time to reach out, to build that relationship.

We can do that for you.

We can also find other websites and connections that might be relevant for you to improve your DA and in turn to improve your traffic and potential clients flow.

You don’t have to do everything by yourself. We can help you. Schedule your first free consultation with us today for your link building services!

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